Soap Chunks

Soap chunks are a great opportunity to cut your own and save. Oddball soap chunks are top quality soap waiting for you to cut in to the perfect size. Each box contains 3 pounds of beautiful handmade soap. Only available from time to time, grab your favorites when you can.

While supplies last. Scent selections are subject to change.

GENERIC Soap Chunks

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  1. “His & Hers”

    We were very happy with our bulk-buy Lemongrass Zen “Chunks”! We opened the box and it was chocked full of big chunks and little chunks. The chunks were sooo irregular they end up being perfect sizes for larger hands A*N*D more petite hands. “His & Hers”! 🙂

    THANK YOU Soapman! You sure know what you’re doing with this one… its a great quality, fantastic smelling, perfect sized bulk-buy soap!